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Creating the “Intelligent Accounting” era together

Service Line
Software development, software testing, test automation


Ambitious growth plans and increasing market demand has necessitated a need for to increase capacity within product development. HBM has become a partner who can help to grow the Norwegian core team to increase time-to-market, customer satisfaction and open new opportunities that will lead to the growth of the platform.


  • The team of Elixir engineers and QA specialists integrated into the customer’s team and succesfully implemented several product features.
  • The team has taken responsibility for test automation and plays a key role in overall product testing

Client needs: is the first Norwegian company to develop a fully Autonomous Accounting solution for processing invoices and automating all required accounting tasks using AI without human intervention. The product development requires highly qualified resources and experience with rare technologies. needed a technical partner who could help to build up and scale up the team. Partnership with HBM has brought access to highly competent Ukrainian software engineers and great flexibility.

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Project description:

HBM joined product development in August 2021.

The scope of work included:

  • Building and deploying high-uptime products (Elixir technology) and infrastructure as part of the platform
  • Integrating Elixir systems with non-uptime-critical systems in Python
  • Designing and establishing validation, testing, correctness, and resilience best practices across teams
  • Helping to establish engineering process, tools, and systems that will allow to scale the code base, productivity, and the team
  • Perform ongoing testing and automated testing of the solution (JavaScript, Playwright).

As of today, the team continues to play the key role in the product testing and test automation.

Services Delivered

  • Software development
  • Software testing
  • Test automation

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Software testing, Test Automation
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