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Let’s see how we can solve your technology challenge

We help companies to make the right strategic decisions and accelerate the growth of their businesses

Take a look at how we can help your business
Transparent process

The engagement flow

Your Needs 💡
Excellent results  🚀
We meet your core team, investigate your needs, and understand your expectations.
We then do a deeper investigation, consolidate the data, and determine the solution.
Based on our investigation, we provide practical recommendations and a plan that aligns technology and business, bringing your company’s processes to the next level of efficiency.
Powered by knowledge

How we can help

With our considerable expertise in IT solutions and consulting, we can help SME and start-ups with:
Testing and Test Automation
Quality Management
Cloud Services
DevOps / DevSecOps
Digital Transformation
Organizational Transformation
CX Value Chain Assessment
Product Growth Strategy
Project and Program Management
HBM’s team of highly skilled data engineers, architects, developers, designers, UX specialists, and business consultants can provide end-to-end support in the implementation of recommended solutions.
The team of highly skilled data engineers, architects, developers, designers, UX specialists, business consultants can provide end-to-end support for implementation of recommended solutions.
Our leaders

We are HBM’s thinkers

Our team of highly skilled data engineers, architects, developers, designers, UX specialists, and business consultants can provide end-to-end support in the implementation of recommended solutions.
“I know how to build a top-notch Cloud infrastructure”
Svyatoslav Lipatiev - Cloud Services, DevOps at HBM
Svyatoslav Lipatiev
Cloud Services, DevOps
“The best explanation of our way is humans behind the machines”
Igor Mendzebrovski - Organizational Transformation at HBM
Igor Mendzebrovski
Organizational Transformation
“The best explanation of our way is Humans behind the machines”
Sergii Sosnytskyi - Testing & Test Automation at HBM
Sergii Sosnytskyi
Testing & Test Automation
“My passion is to humanize technology and unlock clients’ opportunities with UX/UI”
Iryna Sosnytska  - UI/UX Designer at HBM
Iryna Timchuk
UI/UX Designer
“I know how to enable the Cloud journey and get the most of the Cloud services”
Andrey Tereshchuk - Cloud Services, Security at HBM
Andrey Tereshchuk
Cloud Services, Security
“Our company follows the goal to humanize technology. And we succeed here!”
Iryna Grigorieva - Organizational Transformation at HBM
Iryna Grigorieva
Organizational Transformation
“Strategies should not be complicated. I'll help you to implement a vision with
easy-to-go plan”
Anastasiia Pozynich - Product Marketing at HBM
Anastasiia Pozynich
Growth & Marketing Officer
“I know how to lead your project to the success”
Alexandra Volkova - Head of Delivery at HBM
Alexandra Volkova
Head of Delivery

Our clients

Most of our clients work in Scandinavian countries. They can be startups, SMBs, or enterprise companies. We love them all and always treat them individually.
Software testing, Test Automation
View case study
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